As it stands, the market for indices is highly concentrated. MSCI, S&P and FTSE Russell account for almost 30% of U.S.-listed ETFs, while 191 providers are fighting for 50% of funds. Indxx Managing Partner Rahul Sen Sharma about the competition smaller index managers face, and their opportunities in the thematic ETF space. W hat do you think the demand is going to be over the next six to 12 months and beyond for bespoke indexes based on your conversations with ETF issuers? Sen Sharma: We were one of the earlier innovators in the thematic indexing space. We launched a suite of indexes that we licensed to Global X back in 2015-2016. We’ve seen strong demand from our customer base since then. Our assets are up more than 150% over the last 12 months. What we see in the market, and all the research that we have done, leads us to believe that that will continue, if not accelerate—not only in the U.S., but also in other markets where we have indices licensed. We expect th...
Indxx is a leading global index provider, offering end to end indexing solutions, including index development, index maintenance, and index calculation. Our experienced indexing experts work closely with our clients to build custom index solutions tailored to their needs. Indxx and products tracking our indices have been nominated for and received numerous awards.