A thematic index is an investment index that tracks the performance of companies that are tied to specific investment themes. The fund director will start by relating a trending the companies that are set to perform particularly well regarding that trend. These companies and means will also make the base for the index. which will track their performance to replicate and prognosticate the performance of the trend as a whole. indxx.com Thematic investing is each about relating specific long- term structural trends. it will make for investment profitable growth, a good return on investments. Having linked these trends, it's important to have a means of tracking its progress and performance. In this way, thematic investment takes its coming step from planning and exploration to factual investment. A thematic index is a tool that enables this transition. By tracking the performance of companies linked to the chosen theme, investors can target their investments and measure there per...
Indxx is a leading global index provider, offering end to end indexing solutions, including index development, index maintenance, and index calculation. Our experienced indexing experts work closely with our clients to build custom index solutions tailored to their needs. Indxx and products tracking our indices have been nominated for and received numerous awards.