Diversification is the key to a successful investment portfolio. When it comes to equity investing, the equity portfolio is diversified by investing in different shares of companies to reduce risks. This is where index funds step in. An index fund is a type of investment that is responsible for tracking a market index that is made up of bonds or stocks. Thematic investing is the most common strategy to invest in Index Funds. Important aspects to consider before investing · Expense Ratio The expense ratio refers to a small percentage of the fund’s total assets which is charged by the fund house. The low expense ratio is one of the largest USPs of an index fund. There is no need to create any kind of investment strategy to find stocks in order to invest. Prefer custom investing Custom Investing is known to be the next evolution of index investing where the custom index will invest and rebalance bas...
Indxx is a leading global index provider, offering end to end indexing solutions, including index development, index maintenance, and index calculation. Our experienced indexing experts work closely with our clients to build custom index solutions tailored to their needs. Indxx and products tracking our indices have been nominated for and received numerous awards.